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​Why I choose to become a Doula

I have always wanted to be a mama, my husband and I tried and thankfully God blessed us with twins! However, my journey as a doula started before I became a mama. I was reading an article about how a women in labor was sexually abused and I thought no way! This can't be real? As I researched more about sexual assault during birth, I discovered there are some cases,  but not a lot of actual research and statistics to confirm this happening. During my research I discovered what a doula was and found my purpose. To be there to educate and support mamas, so they will be able to advocate for themselves. To know that birth is just as much about them and their body, and not just bringing your little one to Earth side. To encourage you to be able to speak up when you feel it is necessary. Then finally, to teach mamas how to strengthen the bond between mother, child and family as they all begin a new journey together. .

Image by Omar Lopez
​Confident Mamas make Informed Decisions
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